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Frequently Asked Questions

Can I combine services?
  • We love creating special offerings that fit your wildest dreams! Whether that’s integrating an art project with healing, receiving business stewardship with a graphic design package, or choosing pet care with a specially made pet portrait… the opportunities are endless! Book a call now and let’s discuss your visions!
Do you sell your art?
  • All Earth Warrior artworks are available for purchase by inquiry! Purchase options may include the original artwork, stickers, small sustainable products, and clothing. Some items are pre-stocked while others may need to be ordered individually. Reach out now to secure our own piece of our creations!
Where are you based/where are your services offered?
  • Rain is currently based out of Brooksville, Florida but more importantly based on Earth. She is a frequent traveler so not only do her services travel with her, but she also travels for her services. Regardless of where you are, reach out and she may just plan an adventure around your request! A lot of our offerings are also available online and therefore available all around the world; so there’s something here for everyone :)!
Do you offer non-financial exchanges?
  • We do have opportunities for non-financial exchanges on a case-by-case basis. We know that money can be a privilege and isn’t always necessary in the ways that our current society deems it to be. If you have a product, service, or offering that you’d like to exchange in place of money, feel free to let us know and we can see if it aligns!
Are you hiring?
  • We are always open to expanding our team! If you are interested in joining our mission or you have aligned skills to offer, fill out an inquiry form here. We are excited about your interest and will get back to you as soon as possible!

Curious to learn more?

Contact us today and let’s make your visions a reality!

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